摘要:Community based marketing becomes an effective approach that can give significant benefits for the practidng company. Accordingly,analysis on brand community potential for a particular brand becomes a very interesting topic to be researched. In this pmject. a study on female high-school-sludents was done to analyze the opportunity of Pond's brand to build brand community among this target market in Bandung. The finding shows that the chance for Pond's to develop brand community in Bandung is high. Most respondents embrace similar value with regards to beauty and socialization. Mosi of them also want to join the brand community. They also give verypositive answerabout the overall perception about Pond's that indicates that they have positive attitude toward the product. However. there are significant numbers who refuse to be a member of Pond's brand community. Cross-tabulation analysis is conducted to determine significant factor that differentiate between the two groups of students.
关键词:Pond’s. Brand community;beauty. value. Bandung