摘要:In this study, some of the inorganic parameters of bottled drinking water of 1 O different labels were examined. These parameters were compared according to WHO, EP A, TSE water quality standarts. These values were also examined from the po int of view of the effects on human health. Moreover, bottled drinking water and other kinds of drinking water were compared. As a result, all the parameters which are examined were within the predicted values of WHO, E P A, TSE water quality standarts. Only one sample exceeded sodium level according to TSE standards. Although bottled drinking water may represent a significant cost to the consumer, consumers may have many reasons for purchasing bottled drinking water such as taste, convinience, safety and potential health benefits.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de üretilen ve PET şişelerde satışa sunulan ve piyasanın yüzde 70'ine sahip 10 adet içme suyunun içeriğinde bulunan pH, sertlik, kalsiyum, magnezyum, sody u m, potasyum, klorür, florür, sülfat ve nitrat parametrelerinin sağlık üzerin