出版社:Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi
摘要:The purpose of this article is to describe the contemporary management paradigm in the context of human resources management. This article shows also the consequences of this process – the need for strategic and long-term building of an attractive workplace (employer branding). The article presents the evolution of the organization and management paradigm and describes the need for a holistic, business view on the strategic human resources management. The article shows also that employer branding is an instrument enabling building a brand of a solid workplace, related to the implementation of a psychological contract between an employer and an employee. The preparation of the text is based on literature studies – a review of available polish and english-language publications as well as reports of consulting companies and industry associations. The analysis of the above sources emphasized the role of human capital in creating the competitiveness and potential of companies and confirmed the inevitable need for comprehensive use of tools to build employer image.
其他摘要:Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opisanie zmieniających się wspołcześnie paradygmatow zarządzania w kontekście zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim oraz konsekwencji tego procesu – potrzeby strategicznego i długofalowego budowania wizerunku atrakcyjnego miejsca p
关键词:management paradigm;strategic human resources management;employer branding;HR;Human Resource Department