期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:Landscape management requires taking the needs and aspirations of local communities into account. Hence,social participation is of great importance. Perception and appreciated values determine the opinions and attitudes of residents. This may be crucial for the effectiveness of the implementation of landscape protection tasks. The research goal an attempt to determine the readiness of residents of selected villages of the Żywiecki poviat to participate in landscape activities. In the study area,there is an increase in the share of residents in local activities,including pro-landscape ones. This can be associated with a strong relationship of belonging and attachment. The challenge is to educate people in order to shape the cognitive component and strengthen attitudes and translate them into active participation in public life.
其他摘要:Zarządzanie krajobrazem wymaga uwzględnienia potrzeb i aspiracji lokalnych społeczności,stąd istotnego znaczenia nabiera partycypacja społeczna. Percepcja oraz cenione przez mieszkańców wartości warunkują ich opinie,postawy i zachowania,które mogą mieć kl