期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:The article addresses the problem of determining agricultural landscape units. The research area includes ten suburban municipalities of Wroclaw,which are heavily threatened with the process of suburbanization. The purpose of the research is to check the suitability of GIS tools for determining landscape backgrounds in agricultural areas. Using the ArcGIS software,authors examine the suitability of the Corine Land Cover 2012 database to determine landscape backgrounds at the level of landscape type. Further analysis is conducted for the agricultural landscape. The landscape background for the four identified agricultural landscape subtypes is modeled using the ArcMap Model Builder tool. For determining the landscape background,the criterion of shape and size of plots was adopted. The results show that both the Corine Land Cover database and model use can be useful for identifying landscape backgrounds of agricultural landscape types and subtypes. The article starts the discussion of how to designate landscape units.
其他摘要:Artykuł porusza problem wyznaczania jednostek krajobrazowych o charakterze rolniczym. Obszar badawczy obejmuje 10 gmin podmiejskich Wrocławia silnie zagrożonych procesem suburbanizacji. Celem badań jest sprawdzenie przydatności narzędzi GIS do wyznaczenia