期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:The publication of the European Landscape Convention became an impetus to the development of research on identification,classification and assessment of the landscapes currently existing in the territories of the individual countries. The objective of the research presented in this article was mapping of the current landscapes occurring in the area of Kazimierz Landscape Park,and next – a preliminary analysis of the relationship between the subtypes of current landscapes,and the species of natural landscapes,occurring in the study area. On the study area ( ca 15000. ha),9 types of natural landscapes,as well as 13 subtypes of the current landscapes was identified,which is a very high diversity. Analysis of the relationship between the occurrence of species of natural landscapes and subtypes of the current landscapes showed that in the area of the KLP,individual species of natural landscapes gave rise to a different number subtypes of the current landscapes.
其他摘要:Opublikowanie Europejskiej Konwencji Krajobrazowej wpłynęło na rozwój badań dotyczących zidentyfikowania,klasyfikacji i oceny stanu krajobrazów aktualnie występujących w poszczególnych krajach. Celem prezentowanych w artykule badań było kartowanie krajobr
关键词:current landscapes;mapping of landscape;Kazimierz Landscape Park
其他关键词:krajobrazy aktualne;kartowanie krajobrazów;Kazimierski Park Krajobrazow