期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:The article presents the circumstances of undertaking research and the objectives of the project "Restoring the historic Polish names using maps (example of Wałeckie Lakeland)". Also there are described methods of collecting and mapping historical place names. Historic names were collected in three ways:in the archives,from maps and in the field. On the basis of these data the lists of objects with historic names were formed and their graphical representation was made on paper maps. The digitization of these data and the creation of a database of Geographic Information System (GIS) has enabled to produce 17 sheets of a map of Polish historical naming in Wałeckie Lakeland. This map is intended to disseminate historic names at the study area,and to raise local community awareness about the problem of the disappearance of the names with the Slavic root. These names should be restored in the public consciousness,because they are part of the cultural heritage of the region.
其他摘要:W artykule przedstawiono okoliczności podjęcia badań oraz cele projektu „Przywracanie zabytkowych polskich nazw za pomocą map (na przykładzie Pojezierza Wałeckiego)”. Opisano również sposoby pozyskiwania nazw oraz metodykę opracowywania map nazw zabytkowy