期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:The landscape of Wodzisław and Karwina region was originally formed by natural components,and since the first settlers arrived in this area,anthropogenic components began to emerge in its structure. The degree of changes and the current aesthetic value of the landscape can be determined by performing its evaluation (valori‐ sation). The scale of the evaluation,which includes six criteria,allows obtaining up to 18 points. The area with the highest aesthetic value of the landscape is the southern part of the study region with residential and agricul‐ tural features (14 points). The lowest marks were awarded to the areas fulfilling an agricultural,aquatic and economic function (11 points),residential and industrial function (12 points) and industrial function (10 points).
其他摘要:Krajobraz ziemi wodzisławsko‐karwińskiej pierwotnie kształtowany był przez komponenty przyrodnicze,a od momentu przybycia na ten obszar pierwszych osadników w jego strukturze zaczę‐ ły pojawiać się komponenty antropogeniczne. Stopień zmian i obecną wartoś
关键词:cultural landscape;aesthetic evaluation of landscape;tourism based on landscape resources; sustainable tourism;GIS tools;Wodzisław and Karwina region
其他关键词:krajobraz kulturowy;ocean estetyczna krajobrazu;turystyka oparta na zasobach krajobrazowych;turystyka zrównoważona;narzędzia GIS;ziemia wodzisławsko‐karwińsk