期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:Sustainable development is an element of global development strategy of countries and a condition for civi‐ lizational progress,although there are also critical opinions regarding its possible implementation. Human activ‐ ities are inseparably related to transformation of the natural environment. The largest transformation of the environment results from mining and processing of natural resources. The author aims to assess possible use,and its efficiency,of the sustainable development principles in areas of heavy mining activities. Mining of re‐ sources has a significant impact on the natural environment and landscape. The author intends to carry out critical analysis of the management principles of mining and post‐mining landscape developed as a result of open‐pit exploitation. The main task for the sustainable development policy is not related to whether to carry out mining operation,but what to do with the area left after ceased exploitation. The concept of sustainable develop‐ ment seems to be the most desirable,providing that we do not only sustain what has been mined in the deposit,but also reclaim what has been destroyed in the environment.
其他摘要:Rozwój zrównoważony jest elementem globalnej strategii rozwoju państw i warunkiem postępu cywilizacyjnego,choć nie brak także krytycznych głosów odnoszących się do możliwości jego wdro‐ żenia Działalność człowieka jest nierozerwalnie związana z przekształ