期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:The paper presents characterisation of the Polesie villages,which was rapidly or gradually depopulated in the 20th century. The changes of the villages population and reasons of this changes,was performed on the basis of archival cartographic materials,interviews with inhabitants and historical data. In the second part of paper the current state of preservation of rural landscape was presented for each of the 17 analysed settlement. The base for the analysis was WIG maps at the scale of 1:100 000 from the nineteen thirties,when most of those villages were at the peak of their development. Next,for each of the village,there was made the analysis of current aerial photographs and detailed field inventories. Then,the archival maps contents was compared with the current state of the landscape. It allowed to characterize the state of preservation of villages landscape depending on the type,size and location of the villages,type of buildings and the course of depopulation process.
其他摘要:W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę wsi Polesia,które w XX w. uległy gwałtownemu lub stopniowemu wyludnieniu i pozostają obecnie opuszczone. Na podstawie analizy materiałów kartograficznych,uzupełnionych wywiadami i danymi ze źródeł historycznych,prz
关键词:deserted villages;relic cultural landscape;Polesie Region;archival cartographic materials