摘要:Aim:The aim of the research:to identify the situation of talented orgifted children in foster care as well as factors that may affect the development of talents,skills and abilities. Methods:a diagnostic survey and a case study using original questionnaires for charges,interview questionnaires with educators working at care and educational cen tres as well as family facilities,and talks with coordinators and directors of the exam?ined institutions. Results:The research was carried out in BiałaPodlaskapoviat in three care and educational centres and three family-run children’s homes.The analysis of the results of the studies led to the conclusion that every third charge of an educational care institution and every second charge of a family-run children’s house has interests and pas?sions but their development is disadvantaged due to the location of the institution in the rural area. The rural location hinders access to extra classes,to compensatory,comple?menting and developing classes. A talented child in a foster care is a rarity,a bit more often there are capable children,at sport or at art. Conclusions:The ultimate goal in working with a capable child from a foster care is to maintain his/her cognitive curiosity,to develop his/her interests and passions,to motivate him/her to work and to broaden his/her aspirations.
其他摘要:Cel:Rozpoznanie sytuacji dzieci zdolnych/utalentowanych w pieczy zastępczej oraz czynników,które mogą mieć wpływ na rozwój zdolności/talentów. Metody:Sondaż diagnostyczny i studium indywidualnych przypadków,z wyko rzystaniem autorskich kwestionariuszy an