期刊名称:RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics
出版社:Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
摘要:The article is dedicated to the 85 anniversary of Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov (1935—2016), a well-known Soviet and Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and winner of the USSR State prize (1991). The contribution of Yu.N. Karaulov to the development of philological education and modem linguistics is represented by the main directions of his multi-faceted research activities. Special attention is paid to the fundamental works of the scientist in the field of General and Russian linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, and applied linguistics. The article covers the results of applied research of Professor Yu.N. Karaulov, related to the main directions of its research activities: “the theory of linguistic personality”, “cognitive linguistics” and “theory and practice of lexicography”. Yu.N. Karaulov was the founder and head of the scientific school “Russian language personality”, the program of which United many research areas actively developed in modem linguistics.
其他摘要:Статья приурочена к восьмидесятипятилетнему юбилею Юрия Николаевича Караулова (1935—2016) — известного советского и российского лингвиста, доктора филологических наук, члена-корреспондента РАН и лауреата Государственной премии СССР (1991). Вклад Ю.Н. Кара
关键词:ethnocultural specificity of language; cross-cultural and interethnic comparison of language consciousness; speech image of an ordinary native speaker of the Russian language; typology of language personalities; language personality of the artist; lexicog
其他关键词:этнокультурная специфика языковой; межкультурное и межэтническое сопоставление языкового сознания; речевой образ рядового носителя русского языка; типология языковых личностей; языковая личность художника слова; лексикографическая параметризация языка пис