期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Agriculture is amongst the domains of great interest both for European and national level because it has to ensure safe and quality products to the population. Therefore,the purpose of this article is of presenting one of the modalities of financing the Romanian agriculture from the European funds,in order to develop it and place quality products on the market. Nationally there is the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture,which is ancillary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and which manages European funds for implementing the proceedings for supporting the farmers from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. This agency was founded based on the law no. 1/2004 and finances Romanian agriculture through some proceedings such as single payment scheme on surface,payment scheme for agricultural practices which are beneficial for the environment and climate,payment scheme for young farmers,paired support for vegetal and zoo technical sector,proceedings for agricultural environment and climate,ecological agriculture,payments for areas having natural restraints,payments for animals’ wellbeing,investments for developing weald areas.
关键词:agriculture;European Funds;payment agency;financing the agriculture