摘要:The purpose of this article is to define the main aspects of A. Gvozdev’s work as a critic of ballet theatre in the 1920s in the USSR, highlighting the external influences on this work. Research Methodology. In the course of the research, a set of scientific methods was applied: analysis of literature and sources; comparison of basic approaches to dance by G. Fuchs and A. Gvozdev; historical method – to study the emergence and evolution of the conceptual views on the ballet theatre development in the critical works of A. Gvozdev. Scientific Novelty. The publications of A. Gvozdev as a critic in the 1920s in the USSR in terms of changing the main aesthetic positions regarding the development of ballet theatre, the influence of artistic and aesthetic concepts and personalities on the theatrical critic have been analysed for the first time. Conclusions. A. Gvozdev’s works of the 1920–1930s in the USSR reflect the aesthetic concepts of the development of ballet practice at that time, having influenced the formation of the theory and criticism of the Soviet ballet. The formation of the formalistic views of A. Gvozdev was influenced by the ideas of the OPOYAZ (V. Shklovskii). The theatre critic, following the principles of the formalists, saw the meaning of the theatrical action not in the content and ideology, but in its artistic features (means, forms, techniques, etc.). The works of the German theatre critic G. Fuchs also had an influence on the formation of working methods of A. Gvozdev. Among the general intentions: support for the development of dancing means of expression; the understanding of the specifics of classical dance and its potential as the main method of expression of the ballet art; prospects for attracting young people to the ballet renewal. The changes have been taking place in A. Gvozdev’s artistic and aesthetic approaches to the evaluation of ballets until 1927: he makes accusations of pointless formal search in classical dance, the only value of the latter, in his opinion, is technicality and physical culture; adheres to the position of rejecting the ontological romantic features of classical ballet, asks for content, emotional expressiveness, drama, elimination of the class privilege of ballet. He moves from the aesthetic to the sociological nature of criticism.
其他摘要:Цель статьи состоит в выяснении основных аспектов критически оценочной деятельности А. Гвоздева в 20-х гг. ХХ в. в сфере балетного театра СССР, выявлении внешних воздействий на нее. Методы. В процессе исследования применен комплекс научных методов: анализ