摘要:There are many factors that make reading a habit and play a role in this. The willingness of the family members and the people around them to read, to set an example and to interact with the child also ensure that children are positively affected. These points that are emphasized and interacted with in the reading process also form the basis of the Reader Response Theory. In this study, it is aimed to examine the reading processes of preschool children with their families at home in the context of the Reader Response Theory according to the expectations of the families. This study, which was carried out with qualitative research method, was designed by case study. The participants of the study are 54 parents who have children in preschool period. Semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool. As a result of the study, it was determined that the expectations of the families regarding the reading processes and the point of view in the activities they performed were not consistent. In addition, it was concluded that the expectations of the families mostly reflected the aesthetic reading stance. It has been determined that the importance of aesthetic reading and efferent reading is regarded equally for families in the expectations regarding the post-reading process only.
其他摘要:Okumayı alışkanlık hâline getirmeyi sağlayan ve bunda rol oynayan birçok etken bulunmaktadır. Aile bireylerinin ve çevredeki bireylerin okumaya karşı istekli olmaları, örnek olmaları ve çocuk ile etkileşim kurmaları çocukların da olumlu olarak etkilenmele
关键词:Reading process; reading stance; family expectations; Reader Response Theory
其他关键词:Okuma süreci; okuma bakış açısı; aile beklentileri; Okur Yanıt Teorisi