摘要:There has been no report about the mechanism for anti-atherosclerotic effects of dulaglutide (Dula) and/or about the difference of its effectiveness between in an early and a late phase of diabetes. To address such questions, streptozotocin (STZ) was intraperitoneally injected to ApoE knockout mice at 8 weeks of age. Either Dula or vehicle was administered to STZ-induced diabetic ApoE knockout mice from 10 to 18 weeks of age as an early intervention group and from 18 to 26 weeks as a late intervention group. Next, non-diabetic ApoE knockout mice without STZ injection were subcutaneously injected with either Dula or vehicle. In an early intervention group, atherosclerotic lesion in aortic arch and Mac-2 and CD68-positive areas in aortic root were significantly smaller in Dula group. In abdominal aorta, expression levels of some villain factors were lower in Dula group. In a late intervention group, there were no immunohistological differences in aortic root and expression levels of various factors between two groups. Furthermore, even in non-diabetic ApoE knockout mice, expression levels of inflammatory and macrophage markers were reduced by treatment with Dula. Taken together, Dula exerts more beneficial anti-atherosclerotic effects in an early phase of diabetes rather than in a late phase.