摘要:Objective: to investigate the influence of the socioeconomic level on the temporal resolution auditory ability of adults. Methods: the sample consisted of 48 subjects aged 18 to 50 years, divided into three groups: G1, 11 subjects at level A; G2, 19 in B1 and B2 and G3, 18 in C1, C2, D and E. All subjects presented responses in 20 dB HL in frequencies of 500 to 4000 Hz, during audiometric screening, type A tympanometry, presence of contralateral and ipsilateral acoustic reflexes, no neurological, psychiatric and / or psychological changes diagnosed; without audiological and / or otological complaints and with performance above 95% in the dichotic digit test. The Random Gap Detection and Gap-in-noise tests were performed. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality analysis and the Kruskall Wallis test for socioeconomic stratum analysis, were used, both with 5% significance. Results: there were statistically significant differences between the groups in the Random Gap Detection in the frequency of 500 Hz and in the average of the frequencies, as a function of the socioeconomic level, the same not being observed in the Gap-in-noise. Conclusions: it is suggested that the socioeconomic level be taken into account in the analysis of the Random Gap Detection test.
关键词:Hearing Tests; Social Class; Adult; Auditory Perception