标题:Dinâmica da agroindústria familiar: estratégia de reprodução social e econômica da agricultura familiar (Family agroindustry as a family farming reproduction strategy)
摘要:The aim of the article is to identify how the family agroindustry contributes as a strategy for the reproduction and strengthening of family agriculture. The research design consisted of bibliographical research. It was identified that the family agro-industry starts to generate income and work for the familiar components, providing socioeconomic sustainability. In relation to marketing, they create the market for their products at the local level using social, friendship and relatives ties. They also provide the valuation and preservation of cultural habits, stimulation of social proximity (producer-consumer) and appreciation of local specificities. Agribusiness can be considered a countermovement of family agriculture in the quest for survival centered on other forms of economic relations more just and coherent for producers and consumers, being established as a strategy of reproduction and strengthening of family agriculture.