标题:O impacto do ambiente laboral nas relações de trabalho de costureiros de indústria de confecção sob a perspectiva da psicodinâmica do trabalho (Work environment impact on the working relationships of dressmakers in the clothing industry from the work...)
摘要:The sewing sector is dependent of manual labor due to the manipulations of its products in the phases of the production process. For the industry, it is interesting to harmonize the environment with healthy working conditions so that the worker feels good when carrying out his work routine, without the possibility of harming his physical, emotional or psychological health. In this context, this study aims to identify how the work environment impacts on the work context of seamstresses of industrial confectionery companies of the north of Paraná, from the study of work psychodynamics. The semi-structured interview was used as a methodological technique, because the researchers tried to obtain the subjective data of the interviewees. As main results, elements of suffering and strategies of defenses are present in the discourses of the work, as well as elements of work satisfaction was observed.
关键词:trabalho;psicodinâmica;costureiras (os);indústria de confecção