期刊名称:International Journal of Professional Business Review
出版社:Tutor Treinamento e Desenvolvimento
摘要:Objective of the study: to identify the intellectual structure of research on Internal Stickiness (IS) from the references existing in publications on this topic.Methodology / Approach: a bibliometric analysis of quotation and quotation was used, as well as a network analysis. The sample, after worked and free of articles that were not part of the theme, was composed of 152 articles from 1994 to 2018.Originality / Relevance: The transfer of knowledge and best practices among members of the organization has attracted considerations from academia and organizations, because the company's competitiveness is directly linked to the knowledge acquired and its sharing. The difficulty of transferring knowledge and best practices in organizations is represented by the term Internal Stickiness (IS).Main results: three fields were identified that guide research on (IS): Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge transfer as a positive factor for the organization; Knowledge Transfer and Strategic Innovation.Theoretical / methodological contributions: it was possible to identify that there was no review article on the topic (IS). So, this study was able to contribute with the theory and show the existing works that had a greater influence on (IS).Social / management contributions: it is noticed that the existing articles deal with (IS) as the difficulty of knowledge transfer. With this, this study can also contribute to the practice of knowledge transfer, mainly because this theme is related to the development of competitive advantage in companies.Keywords: Internal Stickiness; Knowledge Transfer; Bibliometric.
关键词:Internal Stickiness;Transferência de Conhecimento;Bibliométrico.