期刊名称:History Studies : International Journal of History
出版社:History Studies : International Journal of History
摘要:Gelibolu, 14. yüzyýl ortalarýnda Osmanlý topraklarýna katýlmýþ, Ýstanbul'un fethine kadar önemli bir deniz üssü olmuþ ve bu süreçte çok sayýda eser meydana getirilmiþtir. Bu çalýþmada, Saruca Paþa tarafýndan 1436-1455 yýllarý arasýnda yaptýrýlan ve Gelibolu'nun en önemli yapýlarýndan birini teþkil eden hamam ele alýnarak Türk mimarisindeki yerinin ortaya konmasý amaçlanmýþtýr. Bu amaç doðrultusunda, öncelikle konuyla ilgili literatür ve arþiv taramasý yapýlmýþ, sonrasýnda eser yerinde incelenerek gerekli notlar alýnmýþ ve nihayetinde elde edilen veriler ýþýðýnda hamam ayrýntýlý olarak tanýtýlmýþ, dönemin diðer yapýlarýyla karþýlaþtýrýlarak deðerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuþtur. Saruca Paþa Hamamý bir çifte hamam olup, erkekler kýsmý kadýnlar kýsmýndan daha büyük tutulmuþtur. Taþ ve tuðla ile inþa edilen hamamda, erkekler ve kadýnlar kýsmý soyunmalýklarý farklý yönlere yerleþtirilmiþ ve diðer mekânlar bunlarýn gerisinde sýralanmýþtýr. Soyunmalýklardan sýcaklýða bir ýlýklýk mekâný vasýtasýyla geçilmektedir. Sýcaklýklar, kare bir mekân ile bunun iki yanýna sýralanan halvet hücrelerinden oluþmaktadýr. Tüm mekânlar tonoz ve kubbelerle örtülü olup geçiþlerde mukarnaslý bingiler ve prizmatik üçgenler kullanýlmýþtýr. Bazý kubbelerde de mukarnaslara yer verilmiþtir. Hamamda fazla süslemeye yer verilmemiþtir. Dýþta, almaþýk duvar örgüsü ile kapý ve pencerelerin kemerli alýnlýklarýnýn yapýya dekoratif bir özellik kattýðý söylenebilir. Ýçte ise bir kubbe kasnaðý ile kurna üzerindeki palmet motifleri dikkati çeker. Örtü sistemindeki mukarnaslý ve prizmatik üçgenli geçiþler, stalaktitli kubbeler de yapýya zenginlik katmaktadýr. Genel olarak bakýldýðýnda, Saruca Paþa Hamamý'nýn plan, malzeme-teknik ve süsleme gibi özellikleri bakýmýndan döneminin karakterini yansýttýðý ve Türk hamam mimarisinde önemli bir yere sahip olduðu görülmektedir.
其他摘要:Gallipoli joined the Ottoman lands in the mid-14th century, became an important naval base until the conquest of Istanbul, and numerous monuments were created during that time. This study aims, to reveal the importance in Turkish architecture of the bath house built by Saruca Pasha between 1436 and 1455, which constitutes one of the most important structures of Gallipoli. Therefore, the literature and archives were first examined on the subject, then necessary notes were taken by examining the site of the work and in light of the obtained datas, and finally the bath was analyzed in detail and subjected to evaluation by compared with other structures of the period. Saruca Pasha Bath is a double bath and the male's section is larger than the female's section. In the bath, which was built with stones and bricks, the dressing rooms of men and women were placed in different directions and other places were lined behind them. People passed from the dressing rooms to the steam baths through a warm room. Steam baths consist of a square space and private rooms lined up on both sides. All spaces are covered with vaults and domes and muqarnas binges and prismatic triangles were used in the transitions. Some domes are also decorated with muqarnas. There is not much decoration in the bath. Outside, it can be said that the arched pediments of alternate masonry and doors and windows add a decorative feature to the building. Inside, a dome pulley and palmette motifs on the basin attract attention. The muqarnas and prismatic triangular transitions and the stalactite domes in the cover system add richness to the structure. In general, it is seen that Saruca Pasha Bath reflects the characteristics of its period in terms of features such as plan, material-technique and decoration and has an important place in Turkish bath architecture.
关键词:Çanakkale; Gelibolu; Saruca Paþa; Hamam; Mimari