摘要:Problemas de comportamento denotam preocupação na educação infantil, pois afetam a aprendizagem, configurando-se como preditores de dificuldades futuras nos âmbitos social, cognitivo e acadêmico. Entretanto, há intervenções que visam promover práticas docentes que buscam preveni-los ou modificá-los. Nesse sentido, revisou-se a literatura para identificar os procedimentos metodológicos envolvidos na avaliação de processo e resultados de intervenções voltadas aos professores da educação infantil, visando o ajustamento comportamental de seus alunos. Adotou-se a diretriz PRISMA e PICO, pesquisando os descritores problem behavior , classroom , children, intervention e teacher nas bases Ebsco, APA PsychNET, Web of Science e BVS. Foram elegidos 17 estudos publicados nos últimos 10 anos em língua inglesa. Evidenciou-se a escassez de pesquisas brasileiras sobre intervenções nessa temática e o não estabelecimento de uma metodologia experimental. Ainda, uma minoria avaliou o processo da intervenção e, entre estes, apenas alguns explicitaram a metodologia utilizada.
其他摘要:Behavior problems and deficits in social skills have been a concern in early childhood education because these affect learning and are predictors of future problems in the social, academic and cognitive settings. However, there are interventions aimed to promote teaching practices that have resulted in greater behavioral adjustment of students. The success of these programs is related to factors intrinsic to their implementation and evaluation. We sought to identify the methodological procedures involved in the evaluation of the process and results of interventions address at preschool teachers, aiming at the behavioral adjustment of the students. Review was developed according to PRISMA, using different bases. The PICO guideline was adopted, being the descriptors problem behavior, classroom, children, intervention and teacher. Were selected 17 studies published in the last 10 years in English. Brazilian research on interventions in this theme and the establishment of an experimental methodology were not observed. In addition, a minority of the studies evaluated the intervention process and, among these, only a few explained the methodology used.