摘要:This article is derived from the doctoral research The spaces to stay: the shopping Mall, artifice of sensible education, which put in tension the possibilities of the education of the sensible that happens in three shopping Malls in Medellín, Colombia; The study proceeded through stays of sensitive participation and performance actions, supported theoretically and epistemologically from the perspective of Arts-based Research, (ABR). One of the axes of the research work was addressed at understanding the sonorous universe that occurs inside the shopping Mall, as a multiform device containing sound vibrations and atmospheres of silence configured through interaction between the architectural design of the spaces, material nature and marketing strategies. Thus, the article focuses on the experience of listening to the steps in the shopping Mall, perceiving that these appear linked to sociocultural aspirations and, silenced; that is, educated, depending on the consumer culture.
关键词:Cuerpos. Movimiento. Atmósferas sonoras. Centro comercial. Materialidades.