摘要:This paper proposes the implementation of an assisting technology to a processing/reprocessing mechatronics line (P/RML), comprising the following: two autonomous robotic systems (ARSs), two robotic manipulators (RMs) and three visual servoing systems (VSSs). The P/RML has four line-shaped workstations assisted by two ARSs—wheeled mobile robots (WMRs): one of them equipped with an RM, used for manipulation, and the other one used for transport. Two types of VSSs—eye to hand and eye in hand—are used as actuators for precise positioning of RMs to catch and release the work-piece. The work-piece visits stations successively as it is moved along the line for processing. If the processed piece does not pass the quality test, it is taken from the last stations of the P/RML and it is transported to the first station where it will be considered for reprocessing. The P/RML, assisted by ARSs, RMs and VSSs, was modelled with the synchronized hybrid Petri nets (SHPN). To control the ARSs, we propose the use of trajectory-tracking and sliding-mode control (TTSMC). The precise positioning that allows the picking up and releasing of the work-piece was performed using two types of VSSs. In the case of the first one, termed eye to hand VSS, the cameras have a fixed position, located at the last and the first workstations of the P/RML. For the second one, named eye in hand VSS, the camera is located at the end effector of the RM.
关键词:autonomous robotic system; visual servoing system; eye to hand ; eye in hand ; mechatronics line; wheeled mobile robot; robotic manipulator autonomous robotic system ; visual servoing system ; eye to hand ; eye in hand ; mechatronics line ; wheeled mobile robot ; robotic manipulator