摘要:The collection of a wide range of data related to the settlement pattern of the island of Rab, carried out through six years of reconnaissance, geophysical prospection and trial trenching campaigns, allowed the definition of a clearer picture of the island’s settling from the Bronze age to early Modern times. This data set, used as basis for further analysis, indicated the need to further explore selected settlement sites in order to better define both their typology and their internal organisation. Consequently, during the 2019 campaign of the Archaeological topography of the island of Rab project, research intensified on two sites on the Lopar peninsula: Kaštelina cape and Podšilo bay. In parallel, further reconnaissance and geophysical prospecting was carried out both on Lopar and within Rab municipality, aiding in the definition of settled area spread and their features, which will help comparative period-specific analysis of the island’s settling. A pilot prospecting campaign carried out within the historic centre of Rab town allowed assessing the methods’ potential within the urban fabric of such a long-settled zone, but also gaining first wide-area data on its diachronic developments. Such data will also prove essential in understanding the inter-settlement relationships and the overall organisation of the island’s settlement pattern through time. Within the paper preliminary results of the research carried out at three sites is presented, i.e. an Iron Age hillfort, a Roman rural settlement and within the urban centre, which are, due to their representative features, indicative for proposing the development of settling on the island.
关键词:landscape archaeology; island landscapes; geoarchaeology; hillforts; Roman rural settlements; urban centres