摘要:Refined expeller-pressed (RCanO-I and RCanO-II) and expeller-pressed and solvent-extracted blended (RCanO-III and RCanO-IV) canola oils were compared to determine the effect of processing (extraction) practice on the frying life of canola oil. Samples were from the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 production seasons and were used to fry potato chips for 36 to 48 cycles. Frying life was assessed by the total polar compounds, retention of tocopherols, antioxidant activity, and other quality indices. RCanO-II exhibited significantly, the longest frying life as compared with the other three oils and this correlated with tocopherol retention and antioxidant activity (p < 0.05). The extraction practice influenced the frying life of canola oil, but this was dependent on other processing practices employed by the individual processors. Variations in initial oil quality dictated the rates of chemical reactions occurring in the oils during frying and influenced oil stability.
关键词:refined canola oil; tocopherols retention; total polar compounds; frying life; antioxidant activity refined canola oil ; tocopherols retention ; total polar compounds ; frying life ; antioxidant activity