摘要:A novel and green procedure consisting of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) aided by a commercial cellulase (Celluclast®) has been applied to valorise the apple by-product, a valuable source of dietary fibre but mainly composed by insoluble fibre. Optimal conditions for solubilisation of dietary fibre were first determined at atmospheric pressure as 2% (w/v) of substrate concentration and 20 Endo-Glucanase Units of cellulase. Monitoring of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides released from apple by-product was carried out by means of a newly validated HPLC method with refractive index detector. A synergistic effect was observed when the combined HHP plus cellulase treatment was used. Thus, the application of 200 MPa at 50 °C for 15 min enabled a significant increase in the release of water-soluble polysaccharides (1.8-fold) and oligosaccharides (3.8-fold), as well as a considerable decrease in the time required (up to 120-fold), compared to control at 0.1 MPa. Therefore, this technology could be a promising alternative approach to transform an industrial by-product into a novel rich-in-oligosaccharide food ingredient and a step forward into shaping the world of prebiotics.