摘要:The effective use of partial atomic charge models is essential for such purposes in molecular computations as a simplified representation of global charge distribution in a molecule and predicting its conformational behavior. In this work, ten of the most popular models of partial atomic charge are taken into consideration, and these models operate on the molecular wave functions/electron densities of five diheteroaryl ketones and their thiocarbonyl analogs. The ten models are tested in order to assess their usefulness in achieving the aforementioned purposes for the compounds in title. Therefore, the following criteria are used in the test: (1) how accurately these models reproduce the molecular dipole moments of the conformers of the investigated compounds; (2) whether these models are able to correctly determine the preferred conformer as well as the ordering of higher-energy conformers for each compound. The results of the test indicate that the Merz-Kollman-Singh (MKS) and Hu-Lu-Yang (HLY) models approximate the magnitude of the molecular dipole moments with the greatest accuracy. The natural partial atomic charges perform best in determining the conformational behavior of the investigated compounds. These findings may constitute important support for the effective computations of electrostatic effects occurring within and between the molecules of the compounds in question as well as similar compounds.