摘要:The Russian lexemes « dame » and « lady » which were borrowed from European languages to designate wealthy, educated and high society women became assimilated in the Russian language and culture. The words gave rise to culture-oriented colocations (кaвaлерственaя дaмa/ chivalry dame), and developed new connotations, which the lexeme «женщинa»/ woman does not have. In addition to neutral and positive connotations (“истиннaя леди”/ true lady), the lexemes acquired negative connotations like “дaмa полусветa”/ demimondaine dame, which indicate to the woman’s inferior social status (полковaя дaмa/ regimental dame), highlight women’s weaknesses not inherent to men (aвтоледи/ auto lady), and stereotypical ideas of women’s low intellect (дaмский ромaн/ love story). The inherent and adherent connotations of the lexemes «дaмa»/ dame and «леди»/ lady revealed through analysis are based on traditional stereotypical ideas about women’s social roles and imply evaluation of the woman’s performance in traditionally male spheres. Thereby, acquisition of negative and ironic connotations by the lexemes is conditioned in society denying women’s new functions and roles from feminist perspective.