摘要:The purpose of the study: to identify the pedagogical conditions for patriotic education of future teachers in a university. Object of study: educational system of a university. Subject of research: patriotic education of future teachers in a university. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set: to identify the main theoretical aspects of patriotic education of future teachers and its features; to characterize the forms, methods and means conducive to patriotic education of future teachers; to identify pedagogical conditions for patriotic education of future teachers; to develop components for patriotic education of future teachers on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature. In this study, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, analogy, abstraction, the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, questionnaires. The theoretical significance of the work is to comprehend and theoretically revise the problems devoted to patriotic education of future teachers in a university. The essence of patriotic education of young people in modern conditions is presented, which is understood as the formation of a patriotic consciousness (responsible attitude to nature, to oneself, as a whole with nature and society, to the world around and to the Motherland; focus on the value aspect of the formation of patriotism); patriotic behavior (activation of the activity aspect of future teachers), and patriotic feelings. The components of patriotic education are presented: motivational, cognitive, emotional, and activity components. It is concluded that the relevance of this problem is quite acute, and it is necessary to strengthen attention on patriotic education of youth. A survey conducted to study the level of patriotism of future teachers showed that negative qualities such as negativity towards modern political systems; negative attitude to their country; the desire of youth to leave Russia and live in Europe and the USA; highly developed individualism, egoism; disrespect for the older generation prevail in the minds of young people.