摘要:Nowadays, thermodynamic cycles are actively studied, in which pure oxygen and fuel are fed into a combustion chamber, and a temperature of a working fluid is regulated by the supply of carbon dioxide and/or water vapor. These cycles are called “oxygen-fuel”. They allow easy to separate CO2, resulting from a fuel combustion, from the working fluid and remove it from the cycle in its pure form. In addition, it has already been shown that an efficiency of electric power generation of such cycles is approaching the best known technologies. However, the efficiency of cogeneration of electricity and heat is more important for many energy systems, especially for Russian, in comparison with the efficiency of electricity generation. The main goal of the study was to analyze the thermal efficiency for cogeneration of electricity and heat of one of the options for the implementation of oxygen-fuel cycles - compressorless combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) units. A mathematical model of the compressorless CCGT units was developed, which allows to study the thermal performance in a wide range of operating modes. It is conventionally accepted that the system requires a maximum power for power supply of 300 MW, and a maximum power for heat supply of 600 MW. It is assumed that 300 MW of electricity is constantly supplied to the network. In addition, the heat load is provided according to the standard schedule depending on the ambient temperature, and at the same time an averaged data on the temperature of atmospheric air for central Russia over a tenyear period is accepted. The comparison is made with a steam turbine CHP plant and a CCGTCHP plant. The results of the comparison showed a significant advantage of the compressorless CCGT unit.