摘要:Introduction: currently, there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the potential health benefits and risks associated with the use of low and/or no calorie sweeteners (LNCS). Objective: in the present work, the objective was to briefly address the current role of LNCS consumption in the diet and its effects on health. Methods: a brief narrative review of the most recent studies and policies available was carried out. Results: a limited number of representative studies on the consumption of LNCS and their effect on health are presently available. However, these mostly indicate that the consumption of LNCS can be a useful tool along with other nutritional strategies in the treatment of overweight, obesity, diabetes and the prevention of caries when used appropriately in the context of a balanced diet and physical activity. Still, it is necessary to be cautious with the consumption of certain sweeteners since the effects of LNCS on the intestinal microbiota or its effect on premature deliveries, among others, have not been fully elucidated. Conclusions: it is essential to carry out further studies in order to clarify/establish the safety and value of sweeteners as food ingredients/additives in the medium/long term, in a model of increasing consumption as a consequence of the reformulation of many foods.
关键词:Edulcorantes bajos en o sin calorías;Aditivos;Salud;Patologías