摘要:Background: To support student well-being, a mindfulness curriculum in undergraduate medical education was
launched at our university in 2014. We describe the program and report 3-year results.
Methods: Medical students responded to online questionnaires on mindfulness (Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory),
empathy (Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy), resilience (Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale) and perceived stress
(Perceived Stress Scale) and were surveyed for demographics, home practice, and subjective experience at
curriculum launch and yearly for 3 years.
Results: In respondents, high stress (19.2 (SD=6)) and low resilience (71.2 (SD=12.5)) scores were seen throughout
training. Scores for mindfulness correlated positively with those for empathy (r=.217 p < 0.01) and resilience (r =
.539, p < 0.01), and negatively with stress scores (r = -.380, p < 0.01). While overall scale scores did not statistically
change after curriculum implementation, statistically significant increases were seen in mindfulness (12%, p = 0.008),
empathy (5%, p = 0.045), and resilience scores (12%, p = 0.002) with a trend toward lower stress scores (8%, p =0.080) in respondents who felt they applied the curriculum principles. Two hours of reported home practice per week was
associated with statistically significant changes (14% increased mindfulness scores p < 0.001; 6% increased empathy
scores p < 0.001, 10% increased resilience scores p = 0.003; 11% decreased stress scores p = 0.008). Despite positive
program evaluations for both mandatory and elective sessions, student attendance at elective sessions was low.