摘要:The research paper presented to explore valid, practical, and effective e-learning media. Reflectig the purpose of paper, this study is to improve critical thinking skills, to obtain an overview at high levels and increasing students' critical thinking skills including ability. The hypothesis is as a rational decision-making process on what believed is, through the aspect of providing basic explanations, building basic skills, concluding, making further explanations, and strategies and tactics in the lesson planning course, at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The paper explained ADDIE development model which included the design, development, analysis, implementation and evaluation stages which reffered research and development (R & D). The data for testing e-learning media in learning and tests of critical thinking skills carried out from fourth-semester students . The study used the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design for trial design. The results concluded the average percentage of feasibility value of the e-learning media from the three validators was 86.6% with very feasible criteria, the critical thinking ability instrument was 79.9% through feasible criteria. E-learning media used in a limited trial that obtained an average score of 82.4% for lecturers and students with practical criteria. E-learning media is improving critical thinking skills effectively which indicated changes in students and critical thinking test presented the results from 56.7 to 81.3. The findings showed that the e-learning media is valid, practical, and an effective criteria to improve students' critical thinking skills.