摘要:Water is one of the primary needs of living things. Everyday human life needs water from drinking water consumption, water recreation, animal husbandry, and agriculture. It is important to monitor water quality in water bodies so that they can be used properly. The goal is to find out water quality in Sikendil River, Klepu Village, Pringapus District, Semarang Regency, and Pollution control efforts undertaken by stakeholders. Water quality will be assessed using the Pollution Index Method, pollutant Physical, Chemical, and Biological parameter test results compared with quality standards in government regulations No. 82 of 2001. Samples were taken at the ordinate point S: 070 10 '52.7 "E: 1100 26' 52.2 ". Secondary data from the Semarang Regency DLH lab test results in 2019. The result is that the parameters exceed the quality standards of nitrate, nitrite, free chlorine, and COD. Water quality was in the Polluted category for the water class I, II, and III designations at 9.50, 9.41, and 9, 35. The status of Medium Pollution in water class IV is 1.66. Consistency, supervision, counseling, and periodic reporting are needed between stakeholders.