摘要:Meat herd horse breeding is one of the most promising projects in the industry, especially in peasant (farming) households. Meat herd horse breeding is one of the most promising areas in the industry, especially in peasant (farm) households. The number of meat herd horses is 438.2 thousand heads, incl. in agricultural organizations 161.2 thousand heads (36.8%), in peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs - 277 thousand heads (63.2%). In the conditions of the Primorsky Territory, horse breeding is not the main branch of animal husbandry, nevertheless, there are enough territories here where horse breeding could develop successfully. Breeds such as the Vladimir and Soviet heavy draft do not require much human participation, and they themselves get their own food. At the same time, the main method of keeping and breeding these breeds is herd. The assessment of meat productivity of crossbred young horses with stallions of Sovetskaya and Vladimirskaya heavy draft breeds was carried out. The use of stallions of the Sovetskaya heavy draft breed in horse breeding allowed increasing the slaughter yield by 3.6% and improve the morphological composition of the carcass in comparison with the Vladimirskaya heavy draft breed.