摘要:This is the second paper of a series of our studies, in which we have investigated the light element synthesis (Li, Be, B, and the CNO-elements) in the He-layer and the H-rich envelope of supernovae and the aim of this paper is to see the sensitivity of the element synthesis to the chemical compositions in the presupernova stage. First, we deduced the probable range of the chemical composition in the presupernova stage on the basis of the previous studies of stellar evolution as well as the observational studies of stellar chemical compositions. Secondly, we pursued the explosive nucleosynthesis by using artificially modeled chemical compositions composed of only four elements ( 1 H, 4 He, 12 C, and 16 O). Combining these results, we constructed five kinds of diagrams between two isotopic/elemental ratios which are useful for distinguishing presolar grains of supernova origin: 6 Li/ 16 O and 9 Be/ 16 O to 7 Li/ 16 O, and 11 B/ 7 Li, 14 N/ 15 N, and 16 O/ 17 O to 12 C/( 13 C. In conclusion, the uncertainties in the chemical compositions in the presupernova stage brought smaller varieties in the isotopic/elemental ratios of the light elements compared with the varieties investigated in our first paper about the neutrino emission models.