摘要:Three-dimensional inversion of Network-Magnetotelluric (MT) data has been implemented. The program is based on a conventional 3-D MT inversion code (Siripunvaraporn et al. , 2004), which is a data space variant of the OCCAM approach. In addition to modifications required for computing Network-MT responses and sensitivities, the program makes use of Massage Passing Interface (MPI) software, with allowing computations for each period to be run on separate CPU nodes. Here, we consider inversion of synthetic data generated from simple models consisting of a 1 Ω-m conductive block buried at varying depths in a 100 Ω-m background. We focus in particular on inversion of long period (320–40,960 seconds) data, because Network-MT data usually have high coherency in these period ranges. Even with only long period data the inversion recovers shallow and deep structures, as long as these are large enough to affect the data significantly. However, resolution of the inversion depends greatly on the geometry of the dipole network, the range of periods used, and the horizontal size of the conductive anomaly.
关键词:Network-Magnetotelluric; data space method; 3-D inversion; Occam’s inversion