标题:The relationship among performance risk, safety risk, social risk, psychological risk, satisfaction and intentions to use grab service in Vietnam amid Covid-19 crisis
摘要:This study aims to investigate the relationship among performance risk, safety risk, social risk, psychological risk, satisfaction, and intention to use Grab in Vietnam. Validated measurements were identified from a literature review. A convenience sample of 276 respondents was collected through online and offline survey. It was then analyzed by using SPSS and AMOS software. A reliability test, EFA, CFA and SEM were implemented. The results of this study indicate a negative relationship between safety risk and satisfaction and intention to use Grab cars. In addition, passengers’ satisfaction influenced intentions to use Grab cars. However, performance risk and social risk show no effect on satisfaction and intentions to use Grab service. The main contribution of this study is to create a framework of the effect of perceived risk types on intention to use Grab cars. The users care about their own safety and information security. In addition, the issue of said psychological risk is important because consumers are concerned about health and infectious diseases.
关键词:Performance Risk; Safety Risk;
Social Risk; Psychological Risk; Intentions to Use