摘要:Traditional artificial lattice with untunable refractive index have been restricted to flexible applied to kinds of micro medium imaging. This study proposes a novel approach to quantifying lattice using nonlinear optically induced periodic lattice, which possesses a striking feature of tunable refractive index, to further broaden current knowledge of optical imaging equipment. We conduct self-dressed and dual-dressed nonlinear four-wave mixing (FWM) signal modulation in the atoms by using the dressing effect of standing waves, and then investigate the space amplitude modulation and synthetization (amplitude and phase) modulation of the electromagnetic induced lattice (EIL) of FWM signal at the atom surface. The EIL presented in the far-field diffraction region confirms that diffraction intensity of the FWM signal can be easily transformed from zero-order to higher-order based on the dispersion effects. The tunable EIL with ultra-fast diffraction energy change can contribute to a better understanding of nonlinear process and provides a further step toward developing two-dimensional nonlinear atomic higher-resolution.