期刊名称:EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
出版社:Hindawi Publishing Corporation
摘要:Thanks to massive antenna arrays in millimeter wave communications, a much higher resolution can be achieved for the estimation of angle of arrival. By taking full advantage of beamforming capability and high angular resolution in millimeter wave systems, a single anchor is sufficient to obtain a good position estimation for agents by combining angle of arrival and time of arrival. In this paper, a single-anchor based cooperative localization is proposed for millimeter wave systems. Fundamental limits of cooperative localization with a single anchor is investigated, where all nodes are equipped with massive antenna arrays. Bounds of time-based range and position estimation are derived by Crámer-Rao bound in general multipath channels. For the single-anchor based cooperative localization, the structure of the fisher information matrix is investigated and the relationship between ranging accuracy and positioning accuracy is theoretically clarified. Numerical results demonstrate a consistency with theory behind the proposed millimeter wave’s cooperative localization network.
关键词:Cooperative localization ; Single anchor ; Millimeter wave systems ; Positioning ; Crámer-Rao bound ; Massive antenna array