期刊名称:Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies
出版社:Academic and Business Research Institute
摘要:During the terms of the last four U.S. presidents, immigration has been a continuingproblem. President Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump were all faced with a huge tide of illegalimmigration and all four Presidents had a clear message from the voters that immigration was animportant issue. The U.S. Congress has been unable to, or more aptly put, unwilling to deal withthis problem. The reason of course is because it is such a “hot” political problem. Those thatwant to stem the flow of illegal immigration are instantly labeled as racists or at the least,uncompassionate or uncaring. Those who wish to do nothing about the current situation arelabeled as anti-American and soft on crime. There does not seem to be any political middleground on this issue.It is currently an issue in which no one wants to take the risk of being politically incorrector willing to put their job on the line. What really seems to be lost is the purpose of ourlegislative bodies; they are to serve the will of the people so long as the will of the people doesnot contravene the U.S. Constitution.This paper will research the existing immigration laws, presidential executive ordersattempting to solve illegal immigration issues, and possible solutions to the existing problembrought on by illegal immigration. This paper will also research what body of the U.S.government is responsible for immigration laws and for the administration of immigration laws.