标题:To apply or not to apply? That is the question. Descriptors of the National Library as a proposal of changes in the development of sets in the opinion of the libraries of Higher Vocational Schools in Poland
其他标题:Stosować czy nie stosować? Oto jest pytanie. Deskryptory Biblioteki Narodowej jako propozycja zmian w opracowaniu zbiorów w opinii bibliotek państwowych wyższych szkół zawodowych w Polsce
出版社:Wydawnictwo Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
摘要:Introduction. The aim of this article is to present the opinion of catalogue specialists working in state libraries of Higher Vocational Schools (HVS) in Poland about descriptors of the National Library (dNL), presentation of data relating to the application of selected standards of Resource Description & Access (RDA) in the process of development of sets and information about the library system. Material and methods. The studies were conducted in May and June of 2018. Data were prepared on the basis of a survey sent to 33 libraries of the Higher Vocational Schools in Poland. The answers were registered from 14 institutions (42%). Results. The majority of the libraries which applied JHP BN currently apply dBN and have a positive opinion about them. The majority of them apply selected standards RDA. Search in the OPAC catalogues only in several cases is based on faceted search, whilst not all systems give such opportunity and the exchange of software carries the burden of significant finance means. Conclusions. The results show that libraries, which replied to the survey are open to changes, willingly applying new standards and making efforts to meet the needs of users visiting them.
关键词:Descriptors of the National Library; standards of RDA; faceted search engine; libraries; of the Higher Vocational Schools; cataloguing