出版社:Asociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia Adolescencia Mayores y Discapacidad
摘要:FRIENDS OF THE REJECTED GIRLS AND BOYS. AN ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIORAL SIMILARITY.This work carries out a first approach to analyzing the relations of reciprocal friendship of children in situations of rejection at the beginning of primary education. The focus is to verify the hypothesis of behavioral similarity among friends, by contrasting a sample of 111 sociometrical average children with 111 rejected children. The variables of social behavior that are used to study the behavioral similarity are social skills, direct aggression, social aggression, hyperactivity and withdrawal. Nearly a third of the rejected children have no one single mutual friendship. The scores of the friends of the rejected children are lower at social skills and higher at all the behavioral difficulties. Among the average children used for the comparison, some correlations between one’s own behavior and that of friends were also found, but not in all the variables. There is a significant correlation between the negative social behavior of the rejected children and that of their friends. The hypothesis of behavioral homophily is verified, but not the second stated hypothesis which refers to a greater behavioral similarity between the rejected children and their friends.