出版社:Asociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia Adolescencia Mayores y Discapacidad
摘要:DIALOGICAL STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING IN UNIVERSITY TEACHER IDENTITYThe construction of the self implies a selection and internalization of convincing voices. Thus, investigating the development of teaching and learning from a dialogic perspective implies attending discursive polyphony inherent in teacher identity. We interviewed two professors from the same university career in order to explore what voices / positions and personal innovations unfold when they talk about teaching and learning at university. The results show that both teachers were associated with a different set of voices and innovations: movements from positions focused other-voices to positions with a greater degree of integration between other-voices and self-voices as well as movements from innovations observable actions-centered like protests and actions to innovations mental actions- centered such as reflections and reconceptualizations. Hence, we show two ways of internalizing the agency in teaching and learning: (a) from an external agency, observable to an internal, mental agency; (b) from an external management of learning, carried out by others, to an internal management, in which the learner himself must assume the management of his own learning processes. Educational implications are discussed.