摘要:The European Community's (EC) regulatory framework for electronic communications contains many detailed and complicated regulations with regard to the content of sector-specific regulation in the field of telecommunications. Remarkably, though, it is rather reticent concerning the question which markets shall be subject to sector-specific regulation. In the ongoing process of transposition, this has caused much confusion and misunderstanding. This article therefore, strives to clarify the mechanism for determining which markets are, at least potentially, subject to sector-specific regulation provided by the Framework Directive (sub B.). At the national level, a draft of the German Telecommunications Acthas been presented by legal experts of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour on April 30th, 2003 (Draft German Telecommunications Act), and the subsequent Federal Government's draft act was published on October 15th, 2003 (Revised Draft German Telecommunications Act). These drafts may serve as an example of bringing sector-specific regulation in line with general insights of competition policy within the discretionary scope left by the regulatory framework of the EC (sub C.).