期刊名称:Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
出版社:Universidad Autónoma de Asunción
摘要:The objective of this research is to analyze the participation of women in senior management positions in Chilean companies that are listed on the stock exchange, both in directories and management. It also sought to explain how their participation affects financial performance through the performance indicators ROE, ROA and Net Profit. Methodologically, we worked with a sample of 36 of the 40 companies listed on the stock exchange under the IPSA (Índice de Precios Selectivo de Acciones) indicator for the period 2015-2017, to later carry out a descriptive statistical analysis and a Logit regression. Among the most outstanding results, a low presence of women in senior management positions was evidenced with an average of 8.8%, and 16.7% of companies do not have women. At the same time, in the three years analyzed, no woman has occupied the position of president, which is repeated in the position of general manager. When analyzing the incidence of the presence of women in performance, 2016 was statistically significant in all three profitability models. However, in 2017 it was significant for the percentage of net profit.
关键词:mujeres; consejo de administración; empresas; desempeño financiero; Chile.