The purpose of this study is to examine the relative efficacy of sling exercise and segmental stabilizing exercise on the pain and activation of deep muscles for patients who underwent lumbar discectomy.
The subject were 24 patients with lumbar disectomy participated in the experiment for the study and they randomly assigned to two groups: one is a sling exercise group of 12(30.2±4.6) and the other is a segmental stabilizing exercise group of 12(31.0±4.2). The exercise program was applied in the third week of recovery and continued for the next 8 weeks after lumbar discectomy. The outcome were measured three times : before therapeutic exercise, after four weeks and after eight weeks. The degree of pain was determined by or based on a visual analog scale and changes in muscle thickness of the transversus abdominis (TrA) and lumbar multifidus (Mf). These muscles were measured using real-time ultrasound imaging.
The results were as follows: First, the TrA activation changed significantly depending on both period and test group, however, no significant difference in interaction between the group and the period was observed. Second, the Mf activation in the group, the period and the interaction between them was not significantly different. Third, VAS in the period was significantly different, however, VAS in the group and interaction between them were no significant differences.
In conclusion, these results showed that rehabilitation exercise programs applied to local muscles (TrA and Mf) was effective for pain relief and activation of local muscle for patients after lumbar discectomy.