期刊名称:Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського
期号:1 (126)
出版社:State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K D. Ushynsky”
摘要:The article places the results of experimental work on the identification of child complaints in conflict situations and toys, which is reflected in the behavior of children in the process of their interaction and communication in the presence of an adult. For children of different preschool age, games with water and water‒based toys were offered. The games were conducted in two variants: in one version, the children had to receive and return the broken toys to the adult, and in the second one ‒ the same year as the «Repair Bureau». According to the rules of the experiment during the game in each of the packages, one toy necessarily broke. It was fashionable to break a toy in one version in the Bureau of Repairs, and in the other to return the tutor. In the experiment, the game variant with the educator was seen as a restless «disturbing», and in the «Repair Bureau» ‒ «calm». The article analyzes the motivation of children's behavior in relation to actions with spoiled toys in conflict situations in the relationships between «adult-child», «child-child». Conducted in the natural environment, the experiment has shown the established and dominant interest of children in the presence of adults with a variety of habits common to all participants in the style of behavior and the presence of peers. It is proved that in an «alarming» version compared with «calm» affective components of knowledge of the subject dominate over cognitive and almost completely suppress them. Presented parliaments of the relations of children of different preschool age with «built-in» conflict situations significantly objectify the motivation of children's behavior, which contributes to more adequate management of the child's personality.