摘要:South Bengkulu one of regencies in Bengkulu Province, located west in of the Bukit Barisan Mountains range which has a height of 600-1200 meters above sea level.South Bengkulu has a lot natural wealth that can be utilized as a medium of learning.This research aims to measure the ability of critical thinking and process skill student of class VII MTN 2 south Bengkulu by utilizing environment-based teaching materials.This research uses observation data collection techniques and test (pre test and post test ) Assessment of process skill conducted on two learning activities that is indoor and out door learning activities.Performance of process skill from student of class VII MTsN 2 South Bengkulu including into the category excellent and good while student critical thinking skills classically including into the critical category.
关键词:Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa; bahan ajar berbasis lingkungan; Pre test dan post test.